You can change the life of a shelter pup!
Yall, meet Rosie.
A wonderful successful adoption from Powhatan Animal Control. This is her adoption story, as told by her mom, Emma.
When we went to the shelter to meet Rosie, we immediately fell in love. She is soft, sweet and was already potty trained!
In the first couple days of having her at home we could tell she was a little unsure about her new situation. She was very timid and would hide under the kitchen table whenever people were around. She seemed to do okay with the ladies, but didn't really want to hang around with the guys no matter how many treats they had for her!!
The two of us were sitting on the bed one night and I was petting her. I patted her on the butt, in a way of saying, ‘Okay! That's it for the pets.’
She yelped, jumped off the bed and ran to the living room and hid. Rosie wouldn't let me close for a couple days and it broke my heart. We decided no more pats and we had to make sure everyone who wanted to pet her was aware of this.It’s wild, looking back on those times. If you meet her now you would never guess how scared she used to be. She has to meet everyone!! And if you don't acknowledge her she's determined to get your attention.
She is so happy all the time and loves being pet, it doesn't matter who it is now. She still prefers kids because they're her perfect height for face licks .
We've had plenty of occasions at Three Crosses Distillery, (her most frequented establishment,) where she'll walk up to a guy and he'll pat her on the back and she just leans in for more!