Phoenix the Great Dane and her mom- A Winter Photo Session in Palmyra, VA - Dog & Family Portraits


“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog”.

– Sidney Jeanne Seward

From the moment I hung up the phone with Catherine, I knew this session was going to be special. We bonded over the love of our senior dogs and the hardships that come along with nearing the end of our journeys with them.


You see, she too has a soul dog. A 13-year-old Great Dane, named Phoenix.

Phoenix didn’t have the easiest life. Before she met her mom almost two years ago, she had tons of puppies over the years and at least 4 homes. She had heartworms and a heart murmur and her hind end doesn’t keep up with her the way it should.

Now she spends her days basking on her Big Barker bed in the sunroom, surrounded by her horse and cat friends, Dane brother and sister. Phoenix just loves farm life and really, really loves spending time with her mom.

Here are some things her mom has to say about her:

‘You can learn a lot about life from an old dog. Phoenix is teaching me to live each day with unbridled joy and enthusiasm, how to be present in every moment and how to love with all I have to give.

Phoenix is a special soul— the kindest most empathetic dog I’ve ever met. Everyone who meets her says the same. She just aims to love and be loved. I’m not too sure where the name “Phoenix” came from but it totally fits her resilient and strong personality.’

How would you describe Phoenix’s personality?

‘Nurturing, kind, and peaceful. Phoenix has been by my side through the most challenging year of my life. Despite her own health concerns she is always game to support me. Seeing Phoenix embrace life with such contentment and joy despite her troubles really is inspiring. She gives everyone a sense of peace; the other dogs, cats, horses, and people — everyone feels the same way about Phoenix.

After a lifetime of people letting her down, Phoenix still meets each person with a clean slate. She adores everyone and every animal she meets — and the feeling is mutual. She believes in the good in people. She trusts and loves new faces despite her experiences with others in the past.’

What’s the naughtiest thing Phoenix has ever done?

‘She literally doesn’t do anything wrong. The funniest thing she does is bark at the house cats after 9 pm if they are playing in the dark. It’s time for bed people!’

What does Phoenix bring to your life?

Comfort; we are definitely soul mates. We found one another entering tough chapters in life. Phoenix has been the most loyal companion during my big move to a new place, my shadow for every 17-hour day, and the best snuggler I have ever known.

The way she has taken to her new life on a horse farm is a great lesson to us all in how we should approach 2nd chances, new opportunities— and life after heartaches. In many ways, we have started over, together.

Phoenix is the best dog. I am so proud and humbled to share this chapter of life with her.


“Oh Phoenix, I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.”


Loving senior dogs can be so very hard and yet, so very rewarding. Do you have a special senior pup in your life? How are you celebrating the days you have left? What new things are you learning about them, and honestly, about yourself?

Kona is teaching me patience. I’ve never been the best at slowing down, and now that I have to with her, it’s giving me the chance to be fully present in the moment. To actually stop and enjoy the scenery on walks, and to not take the smallest of pleasures for granted.


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